
09 December 2010

Double Twelve Domino Set Intro

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since we last met, nonetheless I have been quite busy in the workshop. Since I had to meet a very special deadline for Christmas I have not had the time to really do a full in- process picture documentation of my most recent custom order.

I did however sneek in a few pictures and I will share them with you in a couple of posts.

What I have been working on is a custom set of hardwood double twelve domino set with a sliding lid box. I have done a set before, but it is differs from each other in many ways. The first one only had 28 tiles to make up a double six set. The second set have over 90 tiles to make up a double twelve set. The tile itself is a bit different in the way that the first set had a cut-out line and a dot in the middle of the line to seperate the top from the bottom of the tile. The second set was a bit simpler with only a v-groove line in the center of the tile.

The above photo depicts the double six set that I made. Please check back to see the reveal of the double twelve set at a later stage!
The boxes are different as well. The first set had a maple mitered box reinforced with walnut keys, while the second set had a maple finger-joint box with a divider on the interior of the box for a few pens or pencils.

The double twelve set was meant as a gift to a very lucky set of parents on Christmas day!

I hope they liked it!

Thanks for looking!


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